Se construyó una prueba de Motivación de Logro Académico (MLA) para estudiantes de secundaria. Esta prueba fue aplicada a 166 alumnos de Lima. Se encontró que el grado de correlación entre su MLA y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes, no se ve influenciado por el colegio de procedencia ni por el género. Sin embargo, el nivel de MLA obtenido por los alumnos sí se encuentra afectado por el colegio de procedencia, mas no por el género; mientras que su rendimiento académico está influenciado por ambos. El análisis cualitativo reveló que los alumnos del colegio
público presentan una MLA mayor pero su desempeño académico es menor.
The Academic Achievement Motivation (AAM) test was created for Peruvian secondary students. The AAM was applied to a sample of 166 students. It was found that their school and gender does not influence the degree of correlation between the AAM and the final grades of the students. It was found though, that the level of AAM
obtained by the students is affected by the type of school but not by their gender. The level of their AMM, on the other hand, was influenced by the type of school and by their gender. A qualitative analysis showed that students from the public school had higher academic achievement motivation than students from the private school. In
addition, the analysis showed that students from the private school obtained higher grades than students from the public school.