Repositorio Institucional Ulima

ListarEco-Artículos en Revistas externas por tema "Fishery policy"

ListarEco-Artículos en Revistas externas por tema "Fishery policy"

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  • Fréon, Pierre; Sueiro, Juan-Carlos; Iriarte, Federico; Miro-Evar, Oscar-F.; Landa-Arroyo, Yuri-Jesús; Mittaine, Jean-Francois; Bouchon, Marilu (SpringerEstados Unidos, 2014)
    Peru is the top exporter of fishmeal and fish oil (FMFO) worldwide and is responsible for half and a third of global production, respectively. Landings of ‘‘anchoveta’’ (Engraulis ringens) are used nearly exclusively for ...

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